Happy National Homeownership Month from Founders Title!

June is full of holidays and milestones – it’s all about starting summer off strong, after all. But there’s one celebration that’s especially important to those of us in real estate. Yes, we’re talking about National Homeownership Month. This is a time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievement of becoming a homeowner. To all of you who have bought a home in the last year, congratulations! The Founders Title team is always happy to help you along your journey home.

But what are things should homebuyers – especially those who have bought their first home – remember about making their house a home? We’re glad you asked.    

Introduce yourself to the neighbors. One of the best things about homeownership is being part of a community. Start building those connections now. Getting to know those around you and building your community can be incredibly rewarding. Plus, your neighborhood could be a built-in referral network for home contractors, service providers, pet or babysitters and more.  

Don’t forget maintenance is a year-round commitment. Buying a home is one of the biggest financial commitments you can make. While it’s usually a wise decision, it’s important to remember your house will continue to cost money. We’re talking taxes, insurance, utilities, and, of course, maintenance. In fact, a recent survey shows that “too much maintenance” is a top homebuyer regret, so be prepared. The old adage is to set aside 1% of your home value for maintenance alone. Need help keeping up with all this upkeep? Keep this seasonal guide handy.  

Do what you want with the space – in due time. One of the greatest parts of homeownership is that you can do whatever you want with your house when it comes to making it feel like home. But don’t move too quickly. It’s best to live in your home for a while first. This grace period gives you a better understanding of what changes you really want. 

Remember, your journey with Founders Title doesn’t end at the closing of your home. So, we’ve got one final tip to leave here. If you have questions about your home, reach out to us or one of our fellow real estate professionals who helped you with your transaction. We’re all here for you well after your closing is done!